Episode #4 – Steiermark & Vulkanland

/ A great view / Ein großartiger Ausblick This is a fascinating view and my thoughts about the region, agriculture, wine growing, people and climate. This beautiful piece of land is and was always deeply connected with other parts of south eastern europe: traditions, culinary, wine growing, grape varieties,… so many similarities. Schauen Sie sich …

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DAC & Steiermark

/ about the DAC appellation system and about Styria / über das DAC Herkunftssystem und die Steiermark You might heard about the DAC (Districtus Austriae Controllatus) appellation system here in Austria. There are already some available like Weinviertel DAC, Kremstal DAC, or Mittelburgenland DAC. The ambition is to bring light into all those difficult label …

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Episode #3 – Pruning & Philosophy

/ to be relaxed and philosophizing at work / entspannt und philosophierend bei der Arbeit Now we got 50 insteed of 15cm (video) of snow. Yes, it’s cold too, but I don’t mind. Pruning is more relaxing in the vineyard than work, except too bad weather. At this work I developed many ideas/philosophies for future …

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Buchertberg Wild Yeast

Something about wild yeast fermentation / etwas über die Spontangärung Every few days I go into my wine cellar and check the wine in the barrels and its yeast still on the bottom. In my cellar everything goes easy – the only yeast which ferments the must here is the one coming from the vineyard …

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A Future Vineyard

Early in the morning and covered in snow: here you can see a part of the Buchertberg which is not planted yet. In spring my plan is to plant a very special vineyard here. This will be a unique project and follows the roots of the wine growing region Steiermark. My advise to you – …

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iPhone Blog

To all iPhone and smartphone users. My blog is now optimized for mobile surfing – enjoy it everytime – everyday – where ever you are! An alle iPhone und Smartphone User> – mein Blog ist nun optimiert für mobiles Internet und kann somit unterwegs schnell und bequem aufgerufen werden. Viel Spass!

Holy Wine

One of a typical tradition here in the Steiermark is to bless wine of the new harvest at 27th of december. This is the day of holy John (Johannes). What I do on this day is to bring some bottles to church and top up my barrels with this wine and its contained „spirit“! The …

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